New Delhi, India — In a violent incident early Sunday morning, a group of ten masked assailants stormed into a residence in New Delhi’s New Ashok Nagar, attacking two women over an alleged property dispute. The victims, identified as Kajal and her mother Sunita, suffered injuries and were subsequently hospitalized.
The assault, which was reportedly carried out with sticks and rods, left the community in shock as the attackers brazenly entered the house around 3 a.m. Local authorities said the incident stemmed from a longstanding feud between family members over property ownership.
Kajal, one of the injured, accused her uncle Ramvilas and his sons Chitranshu, Priyanshu, Betu, along with several others, of orchestrating the attack. “It was terrifying how they just barged in and started assaulting us,” Kajal recounted from her hospital bed at LBS Hospital.
Police have recorded statements from the victims and have initiated a manhunt for the suspects. “A case has been filed, and we are pursuing all leads to apprehend the culprits at the earliest,” a Delhi Police spokesperson stated.
The attack highlights the escalating violence associated with property disputes in the region, suggesting a troubling trend that law enforcement is struggling to manage.
Meanwhile, another tragic event unfolded in Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh, where a property dispute led to a violent altercation that resulted in the deaths of two men, Shyam Kumar, 38, and Bindu Lal, 39, on Saturday. The confrontation occurred in Kanchanpur village around 11 a.m., rapidly escalating to a deadly confrontation.
Following the altercation, Shyam succumbed to severe injuries while being transported to a district hospital. In a desperate act, Bindu, fearing legal consequences, was found deceased, having hanged himself near his residence the following morning.
Local police, while investigating both incidents, noted the depth of the family discord in each case. “These disputes had been brewing for a long time, and unfortunately, they have ended in tragedy,” stated SHO Awadhesh Raj Singh of Pachpedwa.
Authorities emphasized the need for legal resolution to such disputes and cautioned against taking matters into one’s own hands, which could lead to further violence and loss of life.
Community leaders and local officials are now calling for stronger mediation and conflict resolution mechanisms to prevent such incidents in the future. “We must address the root causes of these disputes and provide communities with the resources to resolve them peacefully,” one local leader suggested, highlighting the urgent need for systemic change.