Don’t Make This Costly Mistake When Claiming Social Security Spousal Benefits

Social Security benefits are typically earned through work and tax contributions. However, it is also possible to receive these benefits without ever working a day in your life. By being married to someone eligible for Social Security or being divorced from someone entitled to benefits, individuals may have access to spousal benefits. These benefits can amount to up to 50% of the benefits received by their current or former spouse. Understanding the rules surrounding spousal …

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2024 Social Security Changes You Must Know!

The cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) may grab the headlines, but several elements of Social Security change annually to align with national trends in prices and wages, impacting the benefits received by millions of Americans and the taxes paid by nearly all U.S. workers. Here are five significant alterations to Social Security in 2024: #1 Enhanced COLA Benefits The inflation rate moderated significantly in 2024, but consumer prices increased, resulting in a 3.2 percent COLA for Social …

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What Everyone Should Know About Social Security 

These guidelines govern how much you pay into Social Security and how much you receive in retirement. If you pay strict attention to the Social Security rules, you may be able to increase your Social Security payouts. Your payout is heavily influenced by your career earnings and your age when you join.

The Ugly Truth About Working Longer And Social Security Benefits?

If you’re like most seniors, your retirement income will be dominated by Social Security payouts. Approximately fifty percent of older Americans rely on Social Security for at least fifty percent of their income, and twenty-five percent rely on it for ninety percent.

Are You Unretiring? Here Is What You Need To Know

Rising inflation and an abundance of job vacancies may entice some retirees to return to the labor market. However, if you’re currently receiving Social Security retirement benefits and you’re considering working, there are a few things you should consider first.