Congress May Soon Offer Retirement Aid for Graduate Students

House of Representatives passes SECURE 2.0, also known as the Securing a Strong Retirement Act. Several changes have been made regarding tax-advantaged retirement accounts with this bill, but graduates with large federal loans will definitely benefit from this new bill. Secure 2.0: What Is It? The SECURE Act 2.0 expands on the changes made by the original Secure Act, which was signed in 2019. Both laws simplify paperwork and lower startup costs for employer-sponsored retirement …

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How To Qualify For The Saver’s Match For Retirement

The SECURE 2.0 law establishes a saver’s match to encourage retirement savings. Eventually, the match will replace the saver’s credit. There are some parallels between the two but also notable distinctions.

New Retirement Law Allows Insurers to Tap Your 401(k) 

Retirement plans featuring in-plan annuity investments are likely to gain traction following the passage of a landmark spending law, providing workplace savers with lifetime income options and fostering closer ties with insurance providers that regulators had previously kept at bay.

3 Ways The SECURE 2.0 Will Help Your Retirement

The U.S. House of Representatives recently enacted SECURE 2.0, a new retirement measure intended to expand upon the SECURE Act of 2019. SECURE 2.0 is designed to simplify the retirement process, and three significant enhancements might help your savings go further.