The Caribbean city of Petit Nevis, located in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, is mourning the loss of actor Christian Oliver and his two young daughters, Madita and Annik, who tragically died in a small plane crash on Thursday. The family was flying to St. Lucia on a 65-mile flight when the plane, piloted by Robert Sachs, crashed into the ocean just a mile off the coast of Petit Nevis, resulting in the untimely deaths of all four individuals.
In response to the devastating incident, Jessica Klepser, the wife of Christian Oliver, along with other family members, released a statement expressing deep sadness over the loss. The statement, attributed to Klepser and released by her workplace WundaBar, described the vibrant personalities of Madita and Annik, highlighting their academic, artistic, and athletic achievements, as well as their loving and compassionate natures.
The sisters are survived by their mother, grandmother, and multiple relatives in Germany, while Oliver is survived by his wife, parents, and sister in Germany. The statement also mentioned the profound impact that Oliver’s loss will have on those who knew him, and the immense loss felt by the communities in which Madita and Annik were active members.
In the wake of this tragedy, a GoFundMe page has been set up to cover the costs of transporting remains, funeral and memorial services, legal expenses, and other forms of support for the family, surpassing its $100,000 goal. The outpouring of support from the community reflects the deep impact of this loss and the desire to provide any assistance possible to the grieving family.