Your Retirement Depends on Math, Not The Market

Your retirement income should not depend on the market but on mathematics. The arithmetic isn’t as complicated as you would imagine. It all begins with separating your assets into three distinct containers.

Could You Survive On $16,000 Per A Year? You May Need To If You Rely On Social Security

Despite frequent reminders, many ignore the need to save separately for retirement. An estimated 33% of Americans have no retirement savings, but more alarming is that 30% of those aged 55 and older are in the same predicament. Social Security is a major contributor to the fact that so few of us save. The National Academy of Social Insurance estimates that about 25 percent of elderly Americans depend solely on Social Security. Although Social Security …

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Is Social Security At A Tipping Point?

We’ve spent the last decades inching toward a world with too few workers and too many retirees depending on their labor, like a train crash in slow motion. Have we finally reached the tipping point?

Here Are 14 Methods for Improving Your Financial Decision Making

According to some estimates, humans make a staggering 35,000 decisions every day. That equates to about 2,000 options for each hour of awake time. Thankfully, most decisions (such as what to eat for breakfast or what shoes to wear) are made swiftly and spontaneously. However, several decisions in life require a more thorough approach.

New Law May Spell The End For RMD Penalty Forgiveness

The price for any error with RMDs is 50% of what’s missing, which may be tens of thousands of dollars, representing a significant amount of money. Now is the chance to make amends if you failed to make your RMD payment by December 31, 2022, paid the incorrect amount or learned you made a mistake in a prior year. The sooner you remedy it, the more probable it is that the IRS will waive the penalties, and your odds are strong, despite the agency’s reputation for severity.

Digital Estate Planning, Here Is Why It Is Important

Today’s money is controlled through online banking accounts, investing applications, trading platforms, and cryptocurrency exchanges. However, as the saying goes, you cannot take it with you. What happens to the funds in your online accounts when you pass away? Who receives it, and how does that function?

Multigenerational Financial Planning is Important

Moving forward into the new year, breaking the underlying rule that money is too forbidden to discuss between family members is crucial. Inevitably, family members will need to find common ground regarding financial strategy. What if financial planning involved more than just talking to an advisor? Could it also serve as a springboard for a meaningful dialogue on the family unit’s future as a whole, including grandparents, children, and partners? Financial advisors have been moving …

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What You Need To Know About REITs

The real estate investment trust, or REIT, owns, operates, or finances real estate that generates revenue. REITs provide an investment option, similar to a mutual fund, that enables average Americans — not only Wall Street, banks, and hedge funds — to profit from valuable real estate; REITs offer access to dividend-based income and total returns and help communities grow, flourish, and rejuvenate.