Should You Include Tax Liens In Your Retirement Portfolio?

Studies have shown that tax liens can offer attractive returns, with interest rates that often exceed those of traditional fixed-income investments. For example, a 2019 study by the Tax Lien Lady found that tax lien returns in the United States ranged from 8% to 36%, with an average return of around 12%.

You Can’t Rely on Social Security Alone When You Retire. Here’s Why:

Like a jigsaw puzzle, the U.S. retirement system consists of a wide variety of parts that come together to form a complex, if not always cohesive, whole. Fixed-benefit pension plans are becoming increasingly rare among modern employers. It’s also true that Social Security has its flaws because it was never meant to be a retiree’s only source of money in their golden years.

New Retirement Law Allows Insurers to Tap Your 401(k) 

Retirement plans featuring in-plan annuity investments are likely to gain traction following the passage of a landmark spending law, providing workplace savers with lifetime income options and fostering closer ties with insurance providers that regulators had previously kept at bay.